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Testo di presentazione

"Engineering is not a science. Science studies particular events to find general laws. Engineering design makes use of these laws to solve particular problems. In this it is more closely related to art or craft: as in art, its problems are under-defined, there are many solutions, good, bad or indifferent. The art is, by a synthesis of ends and means, to arrive at a good solution. This is a creative activity, involving imagination, intuition and deliberate choice."

Ove Arup


The Department of Engineering "Enzo Ferrari" - DIEF - has been active since 06/30/2012. It collects the cultural legacy built by the Faculty of Engineering of Modena, founded in 1990, and the Departments of Materials and Environmental Engineering, Information Engineering, and Mechanical and Civil Engineering.

A single organizational structure thus now combines the educational objectives of the pre-existing Faculty with the research, theoretical and applied, and technology transfer activities developed by the former Departments and their associated Interdepartmental Centers.

Teaching, research and technology transfer are the cornerstones of the new "Enzo Ferrari" Department of Engineering.

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