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Students with disabilities or Specific Learning Disorders (SLDs) are entitled to obtain supplementary interventions and support services, customized on an individual basis.

In particular, the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia has set up a specific Reception Service for Students with Disabilities and with DSA that works closely with ER-GO Azienda Regionale per il Diritto agli Studi Superiori. 

Specifically, the interventions put in place for students include both financial benefits and servicesof support such as welcome and integration into the university world, transportation services and accommodation at equipped university facilities. 

In addition, teaching support interventions are provided, such as through computer and technology aids, peer tutors and teaching mentors, career and study methodology monitoring interviews, text digitization, workshops, international mobility mediation, LIS interpreting, and teacher/student mediation. 

Finally, a reception desk is made available to students at which they can receive information, counseling, and informational materials.

For more information see the website of the Students with Disabilities and DSA Reception Service and the dedicated page on the University website.

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