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Testo di presentazione

The "Enzo Ferrari" Department of Engineering has established a close network of international relations in research activities and collaborates with other foreign universities in the Erasmus+ and Moreoverseas Programs.

As part of these programs, students have the opportunity to take courses at universities in major European countries or have internship experiences at foreign companies.

The department also activates specific scholarships for conducting internships or thesis projects abroad.


Student Mobility

This part of the site collects information related to:

Erasmus: mobility grants to deepen the European dimension of studies;

Other opportunities: initiatives to spend a study period abroad in countries outside Europe.


International Relations

Up-to-date information on the internationalization activities of the University and the DIEF Department can be found at the institutional website International Relations and Student Mobility.

In particular, information is available regarding:

  • Partnerships: Unimore's partnerships and agreements with international academic institutions
  • Internationalization: the Strategic Internationalization Policy of Unimore and its Actions
  • Projects and Calls: projects and calls aimed at implementing Unimore's international status
  • Teacher Mobility: international actions aimed at collaboration with Professors and Researchers

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