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The "Enzo Ferrari" Department of Engineering offers its students the opportunity for internships with public and private companies, professional firms, public agencies and professional associations.

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The internship is a time of first approach to the labor market that allows the trainee to experience "in the field" the knowledge learned in the classroom and to assess the real motivation with respect to a professional role.

For male and female students, the activities carried out during the internship period attribute the recognition of CFUs and can become the subject of dissertations. The way in which credits are awarded and their number vary depending on the home course of study.

The training and orientation internship does not constitute an employment relationship, although it assimilates some of its characteristics.

Internship duration varies for different degree programs (internship duration). 

The maximum duration of curricular internships is 12 months for male and female students; for individuals with disabilities, the maximum duration is extended to 24 months.

It is possible to distinguish between two types of internships:

  • "Curricular" internships: these are the internships provided for in the curricula of the individual Bachelor's and Master's degree programs; their performance allows the acquisition of the university credits required for the degree;
  • "Extra-curricular" internships: these are the internships aimed at recent graduates/graduates who intend to realize a first approach to the world of work. (NOT ACTIVATED BY THE DEPARTMENT)

The internship can be carried out in companies, public and private institutions, and professional associations, based in the country or abroad, as long as it is guaranteed:

  • The relevance of the task performed to one's course of study
  • continuity of employment for the period of internship

Students can take action on their own in the search for an internship or they can avail themselves of the support of the Announcement Board which they can access from their personal Almalaurea page

In compliance with the objectives of the University's quality process, a uniform procedure for activating curricular internships has been introduced, which makes use of the Internship Platform on the UNIMORE Placement Services portal.

How to activate a curricular internship through the Internship Platform


1. FOR COMPANIES.         

The Internship Platform allows companies already registered with the UNIMORE Placement Services Portal to apply for an Internship Agreement and then prepare one or more Training Projects.

Companies that are not registered must necessarily register.

Registration link



After logging in to the Placement Services Portal , to apply for an Internship Agreement, it is necessary to select the section MANAGING INTERNSHIP >> CONVENTIONS >> INSERT NEW AGREEMENT , fill out the form by selecting the home department of the student who is to do the internship.

Once the request for approval has been sent, the Internship Office will approve the agreement; the host from the platform will be able to verify approval.

After Convention Approval, to complete the procedure:

companies/private entities will need to download the document from the Platform, digitally sign it .

Upload PDF copy of the Convention with signature in the platform (document management-add attachment).

  • - Public Entities are required to digitally sign the document, transmit it to the relevant office via certified mail or upload it to the platform.
  • - External entities exempt from Stamp Duty will need to report this by uploading relevant documentation to the platform in the Document Management- add attachment section

Activation of the Convention will be reported to the host with automatic notification from platform.

Activation of the Convention will occur only after the Department Director has also digitally signed the document; a copy will then be uploaded to the platform.

The agreement so signed from February 2018 will be valid for all UNIMORE students as stated in Article 1; unless otherwise stated.


Training Project

It is possible to enter a Training Project only after activating a new Convention or verifying the validity of a previously entered into one.

The company must, in addition, be aware of:

  • of the Social Security Number and Matriculation Number of the student with whom he/she intends to activate a curricular internship;
  • of the details of the proposed internship (duration, location, planned activities, company mentor, etc.).

To enter a Training Project, after logging in to the Placement Services Portal, you need to Select JOB MANAGEMENT > TRAINING PROJECTS > INSERT NEW TRAINING PROJECT and fill out the appropriate form.

The Internship Office will approve the Internship after verification:

  • (a) the fulfillment of the requirements for access to the internship by the student concerned;
  • (b) the appropriateness of the training objectives provided by the proposed internship.
  • c) That the internship start date is at least 10 days after the upload of the Project request ( assuming that the agreement is already active)

After approval, in order to activate the internship company and student must sign the Training Project, which can be downloaded from the Platform, and deliver it to the Internship Office complete with signatures, before the start date provided on the document.

The office will send notification that the internship has been activated to the host company and upload a signed copy of the training project to the platform.



Students in the "Enzo Ferrari" Department of Engineering, once assigned an internship project, can access the Internship Platform at the Placement Services Portal to view, print and sign their Training Projects.

Registration link:

  1. Students/graduates
  2. Master
  3. Doctorates

After logging into their personal AlmaGo page (all students must be registered on AlmaGO), the student/graduate can select "Internships. Manage Your Internships" to view the details and status of the Training Project requested by a company.


N.B. : The Training Project request can only be entered by the company.

The Internship Office will approve the Internship after verification:

  • (a) the fulfillment of the requirements for access to the internship by the student concerned;
  • (b) the correct completion of the application by the host institution on the platform.

The student will be notified of the approval of the Internship via the platform.

After approval, in order to activate the internship company and student must sign the Training Project, which can be downloaded from the Platform, and send/deliver it to the Internship Office complete with signatures,including that of the Scientific Tutor, before the start date provided on the document.

Once the internship is activated, the student will be notified by email and will be able to download a copy of the training project complete with signatures from Almalaurea.

Internship closure documents can be found in the Company Internships Section of this Page.



  1. The internal internship (or project activity) is an internship carried out within UNIMORE laboratories ( in this case the promoter and host institution coincide)
  2. The student(s) will be expected to :
  • Update the personal page of Almalaurea
  • Complete, before starting , the online form at the following link by logging in with your UNIMORE credentials; all fields must be filled in.
  • The start date of the Internal Internship must be at least 10 days after the date of delivery of the documents mentioned in the previous points (as for corporate internships). If this is not the case, the Internship Office will automatically move the date to the earliest available date.
  1. The Internship Office will upload the training project to the platform, the platform will automatically send the notification with the request for approval to the mentor teacher(s) 
  2. After the approval of the teacher(s), the intern should download the project from his/her Almalaurea page and upload it to the platform/send it to the internship office complete with his/her signature and the signature of the teacher(s) ( for the sponsoring entity) for activation in the platform by the start date entered in the project.
  3. The Office will proceed to 'activation.
  4. A copy of the project complete with signatures will be uploaded to the platform.
  5. Please note that the internship can be held on a maximum of 5 days per week for a maximum of 8 hours per day.



After the end date indicated in the training project, they should be uploaded to the platform/sent to the Internship Office: 

  1. The END CARD . 
  2. Timesheets showing hours worked (for PAs activated under the new procedure).

The CFUs of the project activity will be uploaded by the student secretary to the booklet only after the student has registered for a graduation call. 


Training and orientation internships at external institutions (public or private) are reserved for those who have included this choice in their course curriculum and can be carried out either domestically or abroad, provided it is guaranteed:

  • The relevance of the task performed to one's course of study
  • Work continuity for the period of internship

Students can take action on their own in the search for an internship or they can take advantage of the support of the Announcement Board which they can access from their personal Almalaurea page.

In both cases,those who, according to the internship access criteria of their course, are about to start the internship, must activate in time in order to prepare the necessary documentation via platform.



  • THREE-YEAR DEGREE: have attained 140 CFUs (form to be sent to the Internship Office) 
  • MASTER'S DEGREE: Have achieved 75 CFUs or have taken all mandatory first-year exams. (form to be sent to the Internship Office)     
  •  PROFESSIONAL DEGREE in Land Construction and Management : having attained 60 CFUs (form to be sent to the Internship Office) 



To view, print and sign their Educational Projects, UNIMORE students must be registered in Almalaurea and have updated their Almalaurea Curriculum Vitae to include the course of study in which they are currently enrolled:

Students/graduates already registered 

New registration:

(a) Students/graduates

(b) Master's degree

(c) Doctorates

Password recovery for Students/graduates

After logging into their personal AlmaGo page, the student can select "Internships. Manage Your Internships" to view the details and status of the Training Project requested by a company.

Please note: The Training Project can only be entered by the company. In order to enable this step, the student is required to notify the Host Company of his or her matriculation number and C.F.

Only the host institution can upload the Internship Project to the platform (start date 10 working days after upload) 



The Internship Office will approve the Internship after verification:

  1. The fulfillment of the requirements for access to the internship by the student concerned
  2.  The appropriateness of the training objectives provided by the proposed internship.
  3. That the internship start date is at least 10 days after the Project request is uploaded ( assuming the agreement is already active)
  4.  The consistency of the internship period with the minimum hours stipulated in the course; calculating a maximum of 8 hours per day for 5 days per week.

NB: Should a different number of hours and/or months of internship be agreed upon in agreement with the host institution, resulting in a start and end date, the intern must adhere to completing the indicated number of hours of studies in time for graduation. 


The objectives stated in the training project will be approved by the Science Tutor teacher.

The student will be notified of the internship approval by email from

After approval, to activate the internship company and student must sign the Training Project and send it to the Internship Office/upload it to the platform complete with signatures, before the start date.

The internship cannot begin until the Internship Office has confirmed to the student that the internship has been activated.

The 'Office ensures that activation requests are taken up a minimum of two days per week (Tuesday and Friday) 



At the conclusion of the internship, the student proceeds to send to the Internship Office/upload to the platform:

  • Time sheets signed by the business mentor;
  • The end of internship form signed by the scientific mentor;

In order to ensure the proper conduct of the steps necessary for certification of credits by the Student Registrar's Office, the student is required to complete the internship within the timetable for his or her graduation date. 

The start and end date of the internship indicated on the Training Project must be strictly adhered to: any changes should be communicated/managed through the options in the flatform ( extension; early closure; suspension).

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Ufficio Didattica
Information to companies
Information to student workers