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University Orientation initiatives in which the Department participates:

For information on all orientation initiatives organized by the university in which the department participates (Unimore Orienta for Bachelor's Degree Courses, Professional Perspectives, Presentation of Master's Degree Courses, and more) see the appropriate page.


Department Orientation Initiatives:

Presentation of Bachelor's Degrees

  • Construction and Land Management
  • Civil and Environmental Engineering
  • Electrical Engineering
  • Computer Engineering
  • Computer Engineering (Mantua campus)
  • Mechanical Engineering
  • Personal medical systems engineering
  • Vehicle Engineering

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Training/Orientation Internships

High Schools are offered the opportunity to have their students, mainly in the 4th year, do a short internship at our Department's laboratories and facilities. 

The purposes of the university internship are formative, to enable the acquisition of additional skills related to the various disciplinary areas of the curriculum and the strengthening of cross-curricular skills, and orientational, to foreshadow future educational and professional choices through direct experience of the world of the university.

Training internships (University Orientation Project P.O.A.) can be included in the total number of hours of School/Work Alternation courses if they are usefully included in the training projects developed by High Schools.

Schools interested in activating training internships with the "Enzo Ferrari" Department of Engineering must:

  • Establish contact with the faculty of the Department potentially interested and available to receive students from the school for internships and agree with them on the specific activities, period, duration, number of student interns and the spaces where the internships will be carried out. In the event that there is no specific knowledge of the Department's activities or no reference for direct contact with faculty, the school may contact the Department's guidance delegate (Prof. Luca Pasquali), who will act as a liaison to identify the Department's faculty most suited to follow the internship activities appropriate to the school. 
  • Once the internship activities have been agreed upon, schools will need to connect to the University's TRAINING INTERNSHIP PLATFORM (which can always be reached through the P.O.A. portal under 'Training Internships') where they will be able to accredit themselves, identify their Internship Offer, entered by our teachers (through the appropriate form), proceed to the conclusion of the Training Internship Agreement (Alternanza Scuola lavoro - Law 107/2015) and download the Operational Guide.


Thematic Seminars

The Department organizes the thematic seminar days for high schools, typically in February, where on several consecutive mornings dedicated to different areas of engineering, the Department's faculty members take turns with lectures and seminars illustrating the typical activities and skills of the engineer.

For additional THEMATIC SEMINARS, either at the Schools that request them or at their offices at 10 Vivarelli Street, contact Prof. Luca Pasquali.

Thematic Seminars may include: presentations of the Department's educational offerings, examples of undergraduate lectures, in-depth seminars on specific topics concerning engineering, and seminars for guidance and advice on making an informed choice of pathway in engineering.

  • Civil and Environmental Engineering
  • Materials Engineering
  • Mechanical Engineering
  • Sustainable Industrial Engineering
  • Vehicle Engineering
  • Advanced Automotive Engineering

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  • Electronics Engineering
  • Electronic Engineering for Intelligent Vehicles
  • Electric Vehicle Engineering - Eve
  • Ingegneria Informatica
  • Artificial Intelligence Engineering

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