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Testo di presentazione

The research activity of the "Enzo Ferrari" Engineering Department covers the most relevant areas of Engineering. It can be schematically framed in the sectors of Civil/Environmental Engineering, Electronics, IT, Materials, Mechanics/Vehicle. In the three years 2020-2022, DIEF staff researchers were flanked in their research by over one hundred additional full-time-equivalent early stage researchers. 

These ESRs are affiliated to DIEF as research grant contractors, project collaborators, research fellows, PhD students, and international visiting scholars. Overall, they evidence the rich network of research collaborations around DIEF.

DIEF's research in the field of engineering was presented in a special issue of the University magazine Symbols. In addition, the activities are described in detail on the web pages of the laboratories and research groups.

The institutional actions of the DIEF in the field of research are coordinated by the Research Commission.

Numerous research projects engage teachers and researchers in collaborative activities with other Italian and foreign partners.

The research products can be consulted through the IRIS catalogue.

The “Enzo Ferrari” Engineering Department promotes and is home to PhD courses.

DIEF teachers also participate in the colleges of numerous national doctorates.

Five interdepartmental centers report to the Department.