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The "Claudio Canali" laboratory is dedicated to basic and advanced education in electronics disciplines.

Located on the ground floor of building MO-25, it is dedicated to training in electronics, with emphasis on instrumentation, industrial automation, electromagnetics and telecommunications.

It consists of 16 stations, one of which is designated for the teacher, equipped with PCs with prototyping and NI data acquisition board, power supply, multimeter, oscilloscope, signal generator.

The PCs are equipped with software for circuit design, data and signal acquisition, analysis, and processing (LabView and Matlab), electromagnetic simulation, and microcontroller programming.

INFOMEC Laboratory

The InfoMec Laboratory, located on the second floor of the Department of Engineering “Enzo Ferrari” (building MO-25), has 33 graphic terminals with 24-inch monitors and allow access to the DIEF Virtual Laboratories.

From the lab chair, a laptop computer can be connected to the projector via HDMI and the department's fixed Ethernet network.

LINFA Laboratory

The LINFA laboratory, located on the 2nd floor of the Department of Engineering “Enzo Ferrari” (building MO-25), has 42 graphic terminals with 24-inch monitors and allow access to the DIEF Virtual Laboratories.

A laptop computer can be connected from the lab chair to the projector via HDMI and to the department's fixed Ethernet network.
The Linfa lab can be extended to the adjacent 70-seat classroom equipped with power outlets and wifi.


The Multimedia Laboratory, located on the ground floor of the Department of Engineering “Enzo Ferrari” (building MO-25), has 20 terminals with 24-inch monitors.

The terminals allow both the use of local applications and access to the DIEF Virtual Laboratories.

From the labs' desk, a laptop computer can be connected to the projector via HDMI.

Lab suitable for short courses, video conference sessions, seminars and also equipped with 3 cameras.

MANTOVA Computer Lab.

There are two educational computer labs in the Mantua campus that can accommodate a total of 110 students.

The two equipped labs are called LAB Info 1, equipped with 30 fixed computers and with capacity to accommodate up to 50 students, and Lab Info 2, equipped with 30 fixed computers and with capacity to accommodate up to 60 students. The facilities are fully wired and covered by Wi-Fi network.

Last updated July 29, 2024


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