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MilleChili Materials deals with the physical-mechanical characterization of metals alloys and polymer-based composites for automotive and aerospace fields. MilleChili Materials is a cross-project in which students are working on innovative materials and technologies for a more sustainable mobility.

The Lab has achieved recognised expertise in the understanding and modelling of materials by Finite Element Approach for numerical-experimental validation of structural components. Specific materials of interest are: 

  • Polymer-based composites 
  • Ferromagnetic materials 
  • Metal powders and resins used in additive manufacture processes 

The Laboratory develops numerical models dedicated to the study of the influence of production technology on the design of the component. Furthermore, the evolution of the Carbon footprint induced both by the selected material and the manufacturing pross are taken into account for a conscious approach on the designing of structural parts.

Lab supervisor: Prof. Sara Mantovani

Room code: MO28-01-001

Phone: +39 059 205 6280


Last updated July 29 .2024