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General Information Master's Degree Course in Materials Engineering

Degree Class LM-53 - Materials Engineering


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The Course of Study introduces itself

In the Master's Degree Course in Materials Engineering, one studies in depth the scientific fundamentals, production and processing processes and technologies of the main classes of materials (ceramics, glass, metals, polymers and composites), learns how to predict their behaviour in situ and determine their response to external stresses (mechanical, thermal, chemical).

The Materials Engineer is an industrial engineer, a highly qualified professional figure able to operate, within a company, in the field of research and development of products and processes, also characterised by a high level of innovativeness. The Materials Engineer is also in possession of adequate knowledge ranging from the correct use of available raw materials to the selection of the most suitable material and process for the realisation of a product and the rational use of energy resources for a careful assessment of the effects of production activities on the environment.

At the beginning of September, the introductory courses for students wishing to enrol in the Master's Degree Course in Materials Engineering will take place. The aim is to provide the common foundations in order to be able to make the most of the teaching provided in the Master's Degree, regardless of the student's degree. Access is free and attendance is not compulsory.

Info and contacts

President of the Degree Course:

Prof. Roberto Giovanardi


Delegate for Orientation:

Prof. Luca Lusvarghi

Organi del CDS
Organi del CdS

The members of the Study Course Councils (CdS) are defined annually on the basis of the prevailing teaching loads.
 Each Council is assisted in the planning and/or revision of the educational offering by a Steering Committee, which meets at least once a year.

The Master's Degree Course in Materials Engineering is an open access course. However, it is necessary to meet certain curricular requirements (Calculation Sheet for self-assessment of admission requirements) indicated in the admission notice and to have graduated with a mark of 85/110 or higher (or a mark higher than two-thirds of the maximum mark, if the degree was obtained abroad).

Check carefully the deadlines in the Admission Notice.

The Master's Degree Course in Materials Engineering has established the obligation for all students to compile a study plan.

Submission of the study plan must take place during the second year, approximately from 15 November to 30 January (dates to be confirmed each year). It does not have to be completed during the first year.
 Compilation must normally be carried out via WEB on Esse3, at the address, "Career Plan" and only in special cases in paper form using the special form distributed at the Engineering Student Secretariat (Via Campi 213/b).


Please note that a student who has not completed his or her study plan within the prescribed period will be assigned a compulsory standard study plan that will become his or her actual plan.


Standard-statutory plan for cohorts* of matriculated students from 2013/2014 to 2021/2022:   

The study plan must include, in addition to the compulsory training activities, student-choice training activities for a total of 12 CFU.

A student who has not completed his or her study plan within the stipulated period is assigned a standard-statutory study plan that becomes his or her compulsory plan and includes the following subjects for the acquisition of the 12 CFU of choice: Composite Materials (6 CFU), Glass Science and Technology with Laboratory (6 CFU).


There are two alternatives for filling in the online plan, which can be viewed once you have entered the Esse3 personal area, under the heading Career plan:

1) an 'APPR' plan scheme, whereby the completed plan is automatically approved: in this scheme, only the courses offered by the Master's Degree in Materials Engineering are offered;

2) a 'PROP' plan outline, which must then be evaluated by the Course Council and which must only be chosen by:

- students coming from a transfer/transfer from another Degree Course/Athenaeum who have had optional recognised exams already approved by a resolution of their Course Council and uploaded onto their electronic transcript. Only in the event that the cfu of the passage/transfer resolution has not been uploaded onto the electronic transcript if the validation request has not yet been made, the plan must be completed using the special paper form available at the Student Secretariat in via Campi 213/b, to be returned before the deadline during reception hours.

- students who have taken optional Erasmus examinations that have already been approved by resolution of their Course Council and uploaded onto their electronic transcript;

- students who wish to take exams outside the Materials Manifest, after having asked the Student secretariat to upload the didactic activity to their transcripts; it is advisable, if one intends to take exams outside the Materials Manifest, to obtain prior information from the President of the Degree Course, in order to avoid non-approval, which would lead, in the event that the exams outside the Materials Manifest have already been taken, to NOT being able to consider them in one's career (since they will be considered supernumerary) and will not be part of the number of CFUs useful to obtain the degree and therefore the need to take further exams. 
Plans in PROP 
status will be assessed by the Course Council following the deadline for compiling plans.

The student will be contacted if the plan is rejected for re-completion.

The final examination is public and consists of the discussion of a written thesis, written in an original manner by the student under the guidance of a supervisor. In particular, the final examination may consist of

  • (a) in the presentation and discussion of a project, usually including an experimental and laboratory part, developed under the supervision of a supervisor;
  • b) in the presentation and discussion of the activity carried out, under the supervision of a supervisor, at industries, companies or external entities, on the basis of appropriate agreements (EXTERNAL INTERNSHIP), or at a research laboratory of the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia or other public or private entities (PROJECT ACTIVITY). 

Students, after having passed all the compulsory examinations of the first year or not less than 75 CFU, apply to the Course Council, via access to the database provided, for approval of the assignment of the thesis topic and the name of the supervisor. The available topics are collected in a database published on the Master's Degree Course website, which students access to choose their thesis topic.

The examining board assesses the final examination and, in the event of a pass, awards a full mark from 0 to 7 points for the final examination, taking into account the quality of the work carried out and the expository capacity demonstrated. No additional points are awarded.

Tutoring, in compliance with the provisions of Article 13 of Law 341/90, is a service designed to assist students enrolled at university throughout their studies, removing obstacles to successful course attendance and encouraging active participation in university life.

The tutor is a point of reference to whom one can turn for advice, for help in getting into one's studies and for all forms of assistance aimed at making university studies more effective and productive.

The tutor teacher in particular can provide methodological and didactic support, aimed at overcoming learning difficulties (e.g. preparing for an exam, relating the contents of the various disciplines, clarifying doubts on study subjects) or can contact students in difficulty directly to propose support actions arranged by the University.

The mandatory propaedeuticities for the cohort* of students enrolled in the a.y. 2024/25, 2023/24, 2022/2023, 2021/2022, 2020/2021 and a.y. 2019/2020 are:

Mechanical technology for processing systems (II year)Plastics science and technology (I year)

Compulsory propaedeuticity means that, in order to be able to take Mechanical Technology for Processing Systems, you must have already passed and recorded on Esse3 at the time of booking the exam for Plastics science and technology.

*A cohort of students is defined as the set of students who, having matriculated in an Academic Year (A.A.) or enrolled in the first year from another School, Department or University, or enrolled in the first year as repeat students, follow the normal Bachelor's degree course over the three years.

You can find the Study Program's documents about the Quality Assurance at the link below.

Organi del CDS